Wars in American History
| American Revolution | Civil War | Reconstruction | Plains Indians Wars | Spanish-American War | World War I | World War II | Holocaust | Japanese Internment | Cold War | Korean War | Vietnam | Persian Gulf War | Sept. 11 / Afghanistan / Iraq |
Memorial Day
War (Encyclopedia of the Great Plains)
Plains Wars (Kansas Historical Society)
American-Indian Wars (History.com)
American Indian Wars (Wikipedia)
Buffalo Soldiers National Museum
Buffalo Soldiers (Handbook of Texas)
Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers (Natl. Park Service)
Texas Buffalo Soldiers (Wikipedia)
20th Century Warriors: Native American Participation in the United States Military (200 year history)
Spanish-American War (Wikipedia)
The Great War [World War I] (PBS American Experience)
Life in the Trenches of World War I (History.com)
Echoes of the Great War: American Experiences of World War I (Library of Congress)
World War I (Wikipedia)
Always in beta
Last Modified: 1/13/2022