Why Clip When You Can Click Instead?

Tired of trying to keep up with all of those newspaper inserts full of coupons promising to save you money on various products? What if you could click instead of clip to get your grocery store coupons?

There are several choices available online these days.

You can get selected coupons for free at SmartSource.com, good at any grocery store. You can even get e-coupons downloaded to your Kroger Plus card by signing up for free Kroger U-pons (good only, of course, at Kroger!).

Frustrated that you can never find coupons on the products you actually buy? Would it be worth it to you to pay a small fee to have the coupons you would really use mailed right to your door? If so, CentsOff! and Coupon Solutions are among the choices that might be right for you! The trade-off here is that virtually all coupons available anywhere in the US are available BUT you have to wait for them to be mailed to you (and, of course, you have to pay for them).

Rebates are another way manufacturers can put money back in consumers' pockets. If you are interested in purchasing a computer or other type of consumer electronic item, you can find out what rebates are available AND even track your rebate online at RebatePlace.com!

For more information see:

  • SmartSource.com
  • Kroger U-pons
  • CentsOff!
  • Coupon Solutions
  • RebatePlace.com
  • ValPak.com
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