Friends of Fandom Home Page
What is Friends of Fandom?
1. An organization of Science Fiction Fans based in Houston, Texas.
2. A Nonprofit Literary, Scientific, and Educational Texas Corporation
committed to encouraging and facilitating interest and activities
pertaining to Science Fiction, Fantasy, and science fact in its various
3. An enabling organization that lets individuals and organizations
do worthwhile things.
What are the Goals of Friends of Fandom?
1. Serve as an information and referral agency
2. Encourage the development of Science Fiction literary organizations.
3. Discover needs in area fandom and promote ways to fill them.
Friends of Fandom Activities and Functions
Other Activities and Functions
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Forthcoming Science Fiction Cons
Houston/Texas Area Fan Organizations
Forthcoming Science Fiction and Fantasy
Science Fiction and Fantasy Picks
Science Fiction on TV
Houston / Texas Area Writers Groups
Hugo Novel Award Winners
Nebula Novel Award Winners
Mailing Address
PO BOX 541822
HOUSTON, TX 77254-1822
SF Site-Seeing
Earl Cooley's Home Page
Friends of Fandom page maintained by Clif and Margaret
This Page Under Construction
Last Modified: 3/8/2006