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People's Century (PBS 26-hr. documentary) [Timeline]
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Today in History (Library of Congress)
On This Day (BBC)
This Day in History (History Channel)
This Day in History (Infoplease)
On This Day (New York Times)
Weather On This Day (back to 1946) (Old Farmer's Almanac)
American Cultural History: The Twentieth Century [By Decades]
American Cultural History: The Nineteenth Century [By Decades]
Houston History by Decade
1890's Decade
1930's Project
Fifties Web | Rewind the 50's | Literature & Culture of the American 1950's |
Super Seventies Rock Site
Ancient Greece
Ancient Greece Home Page | More Ancient Greece |
Ancient Greek Column Styles | Five Orders of Greek Architecture & Columns |
Which well-known Washington, D.C. buildings have which type of Greek columns?
Ancient Rome (PBS)
Ancient Rome (PBS)
Roman Forum
Rome Reborn 1.0 (Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities at the University of Virginia)
Roman History, Coins, & Technology Back Pages
Ancient China / Ancient Egypt / More Ancient Rome / More Ancient Greece
See Also Mythology
Ancient History | Exploring Ancient World Cultures |
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
World Wide Ancient Egypt | Pyramids (NOVA) | Daily Life in Ancient Egypt |
Ancient Egypt: Science & Technology (Museum of Science, Boston)
Ancient Egyptians | King Tut One.com |
At the Tomb of Tutankhamen | King Tut Returns | (both Natl Geographic)
Digital Karnak
Classics Unveiled.com
Cleopatra Multimedia Guide to the Ancient World
Ancient Medicine
(500-1500)Middle Ages
Middle Ages (Wikipedia) | Middle Ages (History.com)
Middle Ages and Renaissance Facts for Kids
King Arthur & His Knights | Village of Wichamstow |
Everyday life in the Middle Ages (BBC)
The Renlist: The easiest way to find Renaissance and other fairs near you
Medieval Food (British Library) |
The Medieval Lifestyle |
Medieval Cookery |
Medieval Cuisine (Society for Creative Anachronism)
A Medieval Wedding | Internet Medieval Sourcebook |
Castle (Wikipedia) | An Illustrated Glossary of Castle Architecture | Castle Terminology |
Castle Glossary (Great Castles) | European Architecture: Castle Terminology | Castles on the Web |
Castles in Great Britain and Ireland (Wikipedia) | British Castles | List of castles in France (Wikipedia) | List of castles in Germany (Wikipedia) |
(1588-1603) Elizabethan Era (Wikipedia) | Elizabethan Era |
William Shakespeare (Wikipedia)
Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance (PBS)
(1776-1969) History Place (American Revolution, Civil War, World War Two, Apollo 11)
(1776-1789) American Revolution
Liberty! (PBS American Revolution)
(1848-1998) The Path of the Women's Rights Movement: A Timeline of the Women's Rights Movement
Colonial America (aka Thirteen Colonies)
13 Originals: Founding the American Colonies | Colonial North America tutorial |
Mayflower | Plimoth Rock | Colonial Williamsburg |
Jamestown | Virtual Jamestown |
Stocks & pillories | More Stocks & Pillory | Ducking Stool |
George Washington and the American Revolution
(1813- )Industrial Revolution (in U.S.) [Lowell mill girls]
(1815-1910) Victorian Web | Victoria (& hemophilia) | (1899-1902) Boer War |
(1849) California Gold Rush
Abraham Lincoln and the U.S. Civil War
(1872) Mary Celeste found adrift at sea
Spanish-American War
20th Century: Year by Year | People's Century(PBS 26-hr. documentary) |
(1905)Collier's Pure Food & Drug expose | Pure Food & Drug Act of 1906 (Background / History) |
Ad Access (Newspaper & magazine advertisements from 1911-1955, including World War II)
(1912) R.M.S. Titanic (Ship Links)
Victorian Times.org
World War I
(1918-1941) Great Depression Links
Roaring Twenties | Flapper Culture & Style |
American Cultural History 1920-1929
Dust Bowl (1935) & Great Depression (1930-1941)
Dust Bowl Days | Surviving the Dust Bowl |
Visions in the Dust: A Child's Perspective of the Dust Bowl | 1930's Dust Bowl (book excerpt) |
(1930-1939) Riding the Rails (PBS American Experience program on transient teens during the Depression. Some ended hobo life only when CCC camps were opened by FDR.)
(1933-1939) New Deal Network
(1939-1963) Brief History of Alcatraz (Federal Bureau of Prisons) | Alcatraz FAQ
| World War II | Cold War | Korean War |
(1957) Sputnik (Reaction to the launch by U.S. at the time) [NY Times & AOL special section]
Vietnam War
Apollo 11 40th Anniversary (July 20, 20099) (Official Site)
One Giant Leap (CNN) | Man on the Moon (Houston Chronicle) | Apollo 11 | More Apollo 11 |
(1975) Edmund Fitzgerald (Cargo ship sunk - Lake Superior)
(1978) People's Temple/Jim Jones (Cult mass suicide)
(1997-1998) El Nino
Generational Cohorts
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